Release: video evRoaming4EU

Allow any EV driver to charge at any charging station in Europe
by making roaming for EV charging a reality

The European partnership project evRoaming4EU* facilitates roaming services for electric vehicle (EV) charging. It does this by providing transparent information to consumers about EV charging, charging locations and prices in Europe through the use of the open independent OCPI protocol. The ultimate goal is to enable all EV drivers to charge hassle-free anywhere in the EU. Our short video explains why.

Video: evRoaming4EU
evRoaming4EU is a collaboration of organisations from four motivated European countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. By sharing knowledge and results, the team hopes to inspire other European countries to join. In our short video, partners and parties concerned explain quickly and clearly why the acceleration of EV roaming has to be high on the agenda.

European project kick-offs
Every project partner organises a national project kick-off in 2018 to inform the local network about the project and to involve them. This summer, we already celebrated the Dutch kick-off of the project in Amstelveen. Over 100 EV market players were present and discussed urgent EV roaming challenges with our partners. A large group of interested and committed participants and EV drivers contributed to constructive discussions. Overall conclusion: roaming for EVs is the logical next step for cross-border charging and for reliable information. The sooner the better! Read more

18September: Kick-off in Denmark
The Danish kick-off of this European project connecting various pilots and projects in multiple countries will take place on 18 September 2018. Local and international partners, suppliers and EV drivers are contributing to the project and sharing knowledge and experiences. It will be the launch of the next step in cross-border charging: The GREAT project will co-host and give their view on the benefit of EV roaming in the cross-border corridor context to make charging smarter and going electric easier. Register here

Share the video with your networks!
We invite our local and international partners, suppliers and EV drivers to share the video with their networks. We ask you to help us get the urgency of the story out and share coming results presented on our website. We hope our activities will help build new partnerships and boost electric driving in Europe.

All information about the project and the partners, the results and the latest news are brought together and presented on the new website:

Get in touch? Send us an Email:

*evRoaming4EU is supported by Electric Mobility Europe (EME) and the European Commission.